Archive for September, 2012

May the Lord bless the work done

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

arcos de la frontera club de solteros Its been three years now since a group of brothers and sisters started gathering to read the Bible and pray at Cynthia and Gaby’s home. Last Wednesday Auguts 22, 2012, we celebrated the first worship service at that neighborhood: we preached the Good News and celebrated Communion. May our Lord like and bless our work and give us strength and wisdom to go on sowing the good seed of redemption.

We were 62 persons, including visitors and neighbors. There was also a special class for children prepared by Paula.



A gentle, fresh breeze…

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

Last Saturday, August 25, 2012, the teenager’s group from Cristo Rey was in charge of the worship service. Singing and praying guided by them was a real joy, for they are the present of our church. Not only did they lead the liturgy, but preached and finished their message inviting us wiith a quote from John Wesley “Gain all you can, Save all you can, Give all you can”.



our young preachers

Sofia played the piano during Communion

Special celebration at Villa Ballester Sanctuary

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

We are very happy to share a few pictures of the special celebration at Villa Ballester Sanctuary, last Sunday August 26, 2012. Rev. Marco Ochoa and the young people from the Methodist Church in Morón visited us and performed, and preached the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We thank God for a blessed Sunday evening!